Aije | Bororo society | | | 1:48 | instrument (as “bull-roarers”) |
Atmosphere for Dreaming | Steve Roach & Sarah Hopkins | | | 7:52 | instrument (as “spirit catchers”) |
Awakening Earth | Sarah Hopkins | | | 14:10 | instrument (as “spirit catchers”) |
Blood Deep in Dread | Lustmord | | | 7:54 | instrument |
Darktime / The Initiation | Steve Roach & Sarah Hopkins / Steve Roach | | | 7:12 | instrument (as “spirit catchers”) |
Folksong for a Nuclear Village | Shadowfax | | | 5:14 | instrument (as “bull roar”) |
Heartblood | Rage | | 3 | 6:21 | instrument (as “bora bora”) |
Kyklopes | Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh | | | 12:42 | instrument (as “bull roarer”) |
Rogue Wave | Chris Brown | | | 10:40 | instrument |
Saffron | Kimba Arem, Jesse Manno, Beth Quist, Michael Stanwood & Kailin Yong | | | 3:21 | instrument |
Sonarchy Sounding | Warsaw (1921) | | | 7:16 | instrument |
Summoning of the Muse (deconstructed) | Subterranean Masquerade | | 5 | 9:29 | instrument |
Talkabout | Paul Winter | | | 3:56 | instrument |
The Dreaming | Kate Bush | | 4.4 | 4:41 | instrument |
The Seventeenth Rune of "Kalevala" | Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor, Olev Oja, Pille Karras, Tuule Kann | | | 33:47 | instrument |
Three Tribes | Bill Miller | | | 2:01 | instrument (as “bull roar”) |
Windsinger | Kay Gardner | | | 1:57 | instrument |