In Honour of Thy Name

~ Recording by Darkthrone

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack artistRelease titleRelease artistRelease group typeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.7In Honour of Thy Name6:28DarkthroneHate ThemDarkthroneAlbum
  • NO2003-03-17
Moonfog ProductionsFOG 032
1.7In Honour of Thy Name6:28DarkthroneHate ThemDarkthroneAlbum
  • US2003-04-08
Moonfog ProductionsTE034
1.7In Honour of Thy Name6:28DarkthroneHate ThemDarkthroneAlbum
Moonfog ProductionsFOGLP 032
1.7In Honour of Thy Name6:28DarkthroneHate ThemDarkthroneAlbum
  • GB2012-10-08
1.7In Honour of Thy Name6:28DarkthroneHate ThemDarkthroneAlbum
  • XW2012-10-22


synthesizer programming:Lrz
bass guitar [bass] and guitar family:Nocturno Culto
drums (drum set) [battery]:Fenriz (Norwegian black metal musician, drummer of Darkthrone)
vocals:Nocturno Culto
recording of:In Honour of Thy Name

In Honour of Thy Name

lyricist and composer:Fenriz (Norwegian black metal musician, drummer of Darkthrone)
additional composer:Lrz